Summer is hanging on a bit, and it's nice, because the days are fresher than before, but you can still wear a summer dress at midday. I really like autumn though. The coziness of the fire, the dark evenings, the change of focus.
The garden this year has been crazy. We have had so much growing in such enormous quantities, its been overwhelming. Someone must have sprinkled magic dust in the soil (thank you!). I can't help but feel blessed (although I am not a specifically religious person, but you can feel blessed anyway, right?). Things are going so well with my photography, I'm getting lots of jobs with great variety, the kids are happy, we are all doing well. And after my last post ("On choices"), I feel happy that I wrote it (I really did have my doubts whether I should) because I have received so much wonderful feedback from you lovely souls out there. Thank you so much, it means a lot. Keep writing.