This week they arranged a flea market at Ronja's school, where all the kids could bring old toys and clothes to hand in. Ronja had big issues with parting from the two old toys we selected, and claimed that she was going to buy them back with the money she'd bring.
That didn't happen. The girl left with 50 kroner, and came back with bags of stuff. All sorts of stuff. I was baffled at how much she'd managed to buy from only a 50-kroner note, and felt a little proud of my daughter's bargain skills, but then she told me that after her money was spent, she'd just shared her friend Anne's money. Some sort of skill was shown, I guess, good or bad.
The most impressive part of her flea binge however, was the items she'd chosen which proved that we have a real fashionista in the house. She bought herself a whole new look (coat & sunglasses are "new"):

Where her posing skills come from, beats me. We don't have television, therefore she is not subjected to popular culture (poor thing, haha), so I conclude it must be innate.
It's a little bit funny, and a little bit scary.
To make up for the scary/funny/impressive glamour-look (the glasses actually say Chanel on the side!), she bought her little sister an outfit which was very appropriate to her age, if not the season:

Freja also shows posing talent, especially in this one, where she casually looks down so we can see the details on her hat: