I am neither the fastest or most experienced craftswoman in the world. Probably something more of the opposite. My mum (who is something resembling the World Champion of Knitting), taught me how to knit when I was pregnant with Freja, and I learned how to crochet when I was pregnant with Ronja.
(What will happen if I impregnate again, you may ask. Aquarel painting? Embroidery? Wood carving?)
But! Yesterday, I managed to finish TWO knitting projects in one day! Not so impressive maybe, when fact is I started them both last winter. (Ah, details details.) The problem with being a slow knitter and making stuff for my kids, is that by the time I finish the garment, the child has grown, so the whole project seems slightly in vain. This time I was lucky though, they both fitted. And here they are!

"Enough modeling, now give me that camera!"