Yesterday, we received the keys to our new/old house. It's the main house on the farm, but was given to two of the brothers in the family who built the farm. They lived there as bachelors throughout their lives. Now that they have both passed away, the house is released from the contract. When we bought the farm last year, everything but the house was a part of the deal, but it can now be transferred to us. We've got loads of work to do, and we are sure it won't be glamourous
all the time, but we know we'll see it through and end up with a beautiful home for our family. So beware: some blogposts in the future
might be about The House Project. And any hints, good advice or general warnings are welcome and appreciated!
A few of the treasures I have found in the house. ( Note the picture - of Beethoven's gravestone!)
A few of the treasures I have found in the house. ( Note the picture - of Beethoven's gravestone!)