A mother of four, photographer, nature lover. Someone trying to make sense of it all, through photos and stories. 

I try to be free in all senses of the word, so I made the leap and now work with what I love doing; taking pictures, storing this life in moments, both for myself and for clients. My heart is in photographing birth and motherhood, but I take on just about any photography job. 
(See my birth photos at www.birth.no and the rest of my work portfolio at www.mariavatne.no.)

I live on a farm in Norway with my man Nik and my children Ronja, Freja, Falk and Ulv, plus a bunch of animals. We grow our own food as far as the seasons allow it, we don't go to kindergarten, the three youngest ones will be homeschooled.

We govern our own lives, we strive for independence, we want to be in this life wild and free and full of love.

One of those overcast summer days with the mildest, most soothing wind. It's like being embraced by it, walking in the fields. We were looking for cows. We didn't find any. Instead, Ronja went fishing with our neighbours and Mum attacked an enormous pile of laundry. Then we changed all the linen on all the beds, opened the windows, then Ronja came home, without any fish but with bubbles of laughter and fresh air, then Freja and Ronja went to bed, dogs were fed, greenhouse was watered, and then Mr. Payne forced Mrs. Payne to cut his hair.
Now, music and rest.
Images in my head of the afternoon light coming in the bedroom windows, the smell of clean linen, the sound of the washing machine going all day. Floors mopped. The drawing Ronja made. The dogs flying over the fields. Our old neighbor chopping wood. The little robin who so often lands on a fence post in our garden.
Thank you.

Gone fishing.

New secrets revealed. Yay!