A mother of four, photographer, nature lover. Someone trying to make sense of it all, through photos and stories. 

I try to be free in all senses of the word, so I made the leap and now work with what I love doing; taking pictures, storing this life in moments, both for myself and for clients. My heart is in photographing birth and motherhood, but I take on just about any photography job. 
(See my birth photos at www.birth.no and the rest of my work portfolio at www.mariavatne.no.)

I live on a farm in Norway with my man Nik and my children Ronja, Freja, Falk and Ulv, plus a bunch of animals. We grow our own food as far as the seasons allow it, we don't go to kindergarten, the three youngest ones will be homeschooled.

We govern our own lives, we strive for independence, we want to be in this life wild and free and full of love.

This weekend.

It's autumn. No doubt about it.
I spent the night at work on Friday, which is a part of my job; to sleep there and be available to the students. I have two-three shifts like that a month with my current 80% position at the school. In some ways, spending my sacred Friday night away from home was not-so-good. I tend to miss home. But then again, there is something really cool about hanging out with the kids (19-year olds mostly) outside of the normal school hours. They are funny, smart, curious, weird, cheeky, and really really open. We had supper, with tea and home made bread (one of the students are Danish, and his mum had brought him home made rye bread, which he so brotherly shared), and we talked, about many things. The wind was bustling outside the big cantina windows, and inside were 80 people having supper, with candles lit on the tables, and we managed to create a really intimate atmosphere.
I love my job.

Saturday morning: dugnad in the kindergarten where Freja and Nik spend their days. (Nik just works there, he's all right.) It was one of those fresh, crispy autumn days. Parents working and kids playing and helping out, all rounded off with everyone sitting down together, rosy cheeks, sharing soup and bread. Oh, and yes, the horses were taken out and everyone who wanted could ride a little bit; so we did.

Sunday; today. After a wonderfully quiet morning, with the fire lit and calm playing inside, my sister and her son came to visit. We made pizza, sat everyone down around the dining room table, and shared a rainy day Sunday meal together.

I love autumn, I really do. And I love sharing meals with people.
This weekend has been filled with both.
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The golden rule.

Her favorite hat.