Ashore, sort of.
A crazily intense period is over. We have handed over the keys to our old house to its rightful new owners, we have moved our stuff and are starting, slowly, to settle into our new home.
I am so in love with it. Head-over-heels, infatuated, struck, hopelessly devoted.
We still have a lot of work to do there, but we're in! YAY! A huge weight is lifted off our shoulders, my husband is a hero (I'll say that again!), and now, sometimes, we can rest.

I am so in love with it. Head-over-heels, infatuated, struck, hopelessly devoted.
We still have a lot of work to do there, but we're in! YAY! A huge weight is lifted off our shoulders, my husband is a hero (I'll say that again!), and now, sometimes, we can rest.