I wish we could stay here. And of course I don't mean that. Because I'm so excited and curious to see who they're turning into, and I want to be on this journey with them, always moving, always something new, always wider horizons and changing landscapes. So it's ambiguous. Which is a cliché, too!
Anyway. It has been six wonderful weeks, where we have been given the gift of falling in love again. With Falk, our cute chunky monkey, our sleepyhead, our cherub. He is so calm and peaceful, he loves sleeping, he loves being held and sung to and gently stroked on his forehead and eyes, he makes the funniest faces where his eyes go completely crisscrossed, he pouts in the cutest way, he loves being bathed and showered, he loves the fresh air, my boobies, lying in front of the fireplace, sitting in the sling and being carried around, the sound of his sisters singing to him, his daddy holding him in that special way. And now, the last few days, he thrills our hearts with big smiles. It's sunlight. It's love!
Greetings from a happy and very privileged woman.