Again I boasted about kitchen activities on Instagram, and was asked to share the recipe of my homemade granola, and thus we have recipe no. 2 on the blog! Yay! I don't really have a set way of making this, I try new variations every time - but I must say that this one proved quite tasty. So:
Throw together
oats (big ones)
soya flakes
spelt/ dinkel flakes
sunflower seeds
sesame seeds
coconut mass
finely chopped almonds
finely chopped walnuts
a dash of maple syrup
enough sunflower oil to moisten the mixture
sea salt
Easy peasy: Mix well, spread thinly on a baking tray, and roast in the oven on 175 degrees Celsius until golden and dry. (It's a good idea to check it often, unless you like black carbonated food.)
Serve with milk = yummy!