I've always been like that: As soon as I have an idea I find vaguely interesting, I have to try it out (within sensible limits, of course). So yesterday, when brushing Freja's hair, and once more despairing over how tangled and dreadlock-like it was, and over how painful it was for her to have it brushed, I just decided to cut it. I asked what she thought about the idea, she was up for it, so I did. And halfway through cutting those golden curls off, I panicked.
Oh my God, it's too short, what am I doing, I've ruined her were among the thoughts going through my mind. But it ended up well. And she loved it! She ran around the house shaking that head, feeling light as a feather, singing how she would never have to brush her hair again. And I think she looks really cute. More girly in a way, and older.

Change is good, sometimes. And of course, it grows out again.
(She reminds me a lot of Annika from the Pippi Longstocking films now, which is ironic, because her personality is more like Pippi's. Or actually, since I'm on the subject, I find Freja resembling another Astrid Lindgren-character a lot: Ronja the robber's daughter. Which again, is a little funny, given the name of her big sister.)