The moment the girls looked out the window this morning, they were ecstatic: It was snowing! Big fluffy snowflakes danced from above. Even I had to admit that it made me feel happy. (Not that I usually am a grumpy old hen or anything, but I'm not ecstatic about snow.) Sent Ronja running off to school into a beautiful landscape, thought about how immensely privileged we are to live here.
Spent the day snuggling with the little ones, keeping the fire going, making buns, had a friend and her kid over, had lunch, played outside, did the round on the farm and chatted with all the animals. Ronja and two friends came home, I made pancakes, snuggled with Falk, tidied a lot, the girls played dress-up and made me laugh.
Now I can hear the washing machine going, I can hear my husband stoking up the fire, my kids are snoring in the rooms next to where I'm sitting. I'm feeling tired, but in that good way.
Today was a good day.