After I split up with my husband this spring, I have taken a journey inwards, to see who was there after all those years of struggling in my marriage. Who am I now? I had to see myself in that new light, just me, not a wife anymore, not representing anyone else but me. It was scary at first, I didn't know where to start. I contacted a lady I remembered from years back, a medicine woman, shaman, healer. In our first session she helped me find places within I'd never looked at properly, she helped me go straight to the core. She said many things, and so did I, and one of the most beautiful things were about the artist in me. She needs more space. I need to give her more room to play, to do things not streamlined but from the heart. To let my artistry shine through and into my business. To produce work with joy, all the way, all the time. To savour my artist soul and her integrity, and to trust that the work I produce is good enough to sustain this life for me and my children. It's hard sometimes, but I'm doing it, I am!