You remember that feeling, don't you? When you were little, and there had been long days with wonderful but intense summer heat, and then the rain came. Big drops of wonderful fresh water from the sky, and you would run out into the rain with no clothes on, and your dad or your mum would shout from the door, come in and get your raincoat!, but you wouldn't listen, you'd just run around in the rain like a crazy person, a happy crazy person. And it was like you hadn't felt the rain before, like it was the first time, the drops would chill your summer skin for a quick moment, you would open your mouth towards the sky and try to catch them, you'd run around with your mouth open and laugh and get soaking wet and not care about a thing. And then the rain was gone, the world had been showered, and the smells were so fresh, the smell of wet grass and flowers and the damp air. And it was like you were complete, like the rain had made everything right.