I surprised myself (and everyone else in the house) with sleeping until 10.30 this morning, and oh how I needed that. Thank you to Mr. Payne and the kids for leaving me alone. That little Mr. Payne has interrupted my sleep an unknown number of times every night the last couple weeks (I am talking about my son here!), and stuff like that takes its toll. He has four teeth breaking through simultaneously, and I have decided that this is why he wriggles and raves around in bed half of the night. So charging up on a bit of sleep does good for an old and weary soul like myself.
After lunch we headed out to the river, threw out a couple of fishing rods (well, the lines anyway), and went skinny dipping, wohoo! This summer seems to be coming to an end, there is that fresh autumnal draft in the air in the morning, and the heat isn't as pacifying as it was earlier. I have to admit, I like it, but it still is great to make the most of what's left and throw oneself into the water as much as possible.
The afternoon was spent cooking up a lovely soup with garden veg, and then - finally! - our big girl came home after what feels like ages away from us. That feeling of being everyone again, it's hard to beat.
It was a good day, this Sunday in August.