Trying to settle in and finish the bits and bobs inside of our house, and still struggling a little with really grasping the fact of it: That this is our home, how fortunate we are to get to live like this.
And at the same time, living "normal" life again (if there is such a thing), working & playing. Feels good!
These are the last couple of weeks at work for me this semester, the students are leaving school & going back out into the world again. How crazily fast this year went by. I probably should be getting used to this transition by now, after six years in the trade, but I don't, really. Oh, well.
Wishing you all a good day!
And at the same time, living "normal" life again (if there is such a thing), working & playing. Feels good!
These are the last couple of weeks at work for me this semester, the students are leaving school & going back out into the world again. How crazily fast this year went by. I probably should be getting used to this transition by now, after six years in the trade, but I don't, really. Oh, well.
Wishing you all a good day!