(it seems that nine is our number of the week, if you read the previous post you'll see that Falk was nine months yesterday)
It's your birthday!
Nine years ago you came into this world as a very chubby and completely perfect baby girl, and my world was changed forever.
When I look at you now, I can hardly believe that it was you, that I have been witness to such a transformation. Nine years of motherhood. Nine fun, exciting, crazy, happy, challenging years. And here you are, beautiful you, and there's something new about you, again. You've changed again. That little girl has been replaced by someone on the brink of another chapter, you're about to take a step into adolescence. Sometimes I see flashes of the woman you're going to be fly across your face, and it blows my mind. This person is my daughter? It's so nuts, and so so wonderful.
I am proud to the point of ridiculousness.
You are the best big sister anyone could wish for. You are funny and bonkers and smart and brave and honest and goodhearted and determined and strong. And the most beautiful nine-year-old I have ever seen.
We love you! Happy birthday Ronja!