So I've taken that step, the one I have been pondering about for a while, and started my own little photography practice. Every compliment I have received about my photos, either here on the blog, on instagram or in real life, has been saved within, and combined with this love I have for photography, it was easy. I decided to jump. I am now BYGDEFOTOGRAFEN. Yes. Translated from Norwegian it means something like the country photographer or maybe the village photographer.
It's my dream life: on the road, traveling between people and places, me and my camera.
So far I've already had some jobs and more are awaiting, so it's all very exciting for me. And there's even more plans in the making, but they are for later… Sometimes everything just opens up and you have to grab that chance, go for it.
So anyway, if you are interested, you are more than welcome to visit my website over at, and if you're not too far away and want me to take pictures for you, I will!